Tuesday, November 22, 2011

My call with Kevin

That's good. So we relatively messed up the call. The guy is bright, has a game plan and loads of experience and all I can pull out are generalities without really knowing where this is going.

30 second speech, road plan, ecosystem, monetization. Where are all thesefor Pete's sake?
Is it really my intent to waste my one shot, what do I want? Am I networking, is he interviewing me? Why exactly am I having this conversation?

The more I keep this scripted talk, the less I know what value he and me can get. Ok, loss for loss, the guy is interesting, let's hear out what he has to say before I go back to anonymity. Let's spell it as it is said

Two things:
  • what's the issue it tries to address
  • what's the need it tries to fill
The path:
  • How to progress towards the goal
  • How you eat on the way, need successes between now and 5 years (revenue, customers)
  • Do you have positive feedback from customers, partners?
  • Can you build an ecosystem
  • Keep discipline
  • You can have a vision but after a while it will remain just this and people will lose interest if you don't set it in motion with steps and tangible elements

What a wake-up call and a very good starting point for a blog, failures are good. We learn from them and rebound. What the hell was I doing? All this is stuff I'm supposed to know and be able to give back. Prepare for god's sake!

So Kevin, wherever you are, you deserved better and so did I. I'm glad this is my first post on this blog.

Let's roll these blue oranges, baby.

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